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Busy Busy Busy

Posted by on September 24, 2013

This past week has been crazy busy! I wish I could say that I have had something specific going on that has made it so crazy, but I really haven’t its just been busy. School is really starting to pick up and unfortunately its only going to get worse before it gets better.

No matter what classes I’m in, all of my exams always end up being pilled up together in the same week. For instance, next week I’m going have an exam in every one of my classes, and what’s worse is that three of them are on Monday and Tuesday alone. AHHHHHH!! In reality it shouldn’t be too terrible. It means that for the next week and a half I won’t do much more than go to class, go to work, go to church, and study, but then I’ll get a little bit of a break.

For a couple weeks at least…

Until the next crazy week where all my professors decide to bombard me with essays and lab reports and exams again…

Back to studying!!

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