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What to do at Wofford?

Posted by on September 10, 2013

Coming into Wofford I remember being a little worried that there wouldn’t be very much to do or get involved in because Wofford is such a small school. BOY was I wrong! Today Wofford had it’s interest fair and that reminded me of just how much really is going on all over campus through so many different organizations.

After my first interest fair freshman year I remember being signed up for more organizations, clubs, and teams than I would ever be able to actually be involved in and stay sane. There is everything from Ultimate Frisbee to Campus Outreach, Cooking Club, Tae Kwon Do, Pre-Law society, R.U.F., Best Buddies, and Campus Union. Thankfully signing your name and giving your email to all these different groups isn’t binding, and after I got more information on what everything was and what the time commitments were, I narrowed  my list of organizations down to what I really wanted to be committed to.

One of the organizations I decided to join didn’t even have a charter at Wofford my freshman year. My roommate actually started the chapter at Wofford and so I was on board right from the start. The organization is call Students Helping Honduras (SHH), and it does exactly what it sounds like it would do. SHH gives college students the opportunity to go over to Honduras and help the people who are in need there, specifically by building schools, classrooms, and providing the needed supplies for children who otherwise wouldn’t be able to get an education. The goal is to get a group of students who are committed to going, and to raise the funds to be able to go to a village in Northern Honduras over Wofford’s Spring Break.  This year I am really hoping I am able to go on this trip! Last year I was able to do an alternative Spring Break trip through Habitat for Humanity in Mobile, AL.  It was such a great experience, and opportunity to serve others who were in need and I can’t imagine not doing some form of a service project again this year.

One of the things we did last year and will continue to do this year is to sell grilled cheese sandwiches as the Row on Friday nights. Last year it was a hit! In fact, today while standing at the SHH booth I had multiple people come up and ask if we would be doing it again this year! We’re planing to expand some of our fundraisers this year so that we can really offset the cost of a student who would like to spend their time serving, but doesn’t necessarily have the funds to do so on their own. It was really exciting to see all the new students who were interested in joining us this year too!  Keeping my fingers crossed that we will get to take a group of 10-15 students this year!

If you want to learn more about SHH check out their website here

Also here are a couple pictures from one of my friend’s trip with SHH a 2 years ago!

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