Studying abroad is such a unique experience in that you can explore new parts of the world at the same time as accomplishing academia goals. Such a new environment can be stressful and overwhelming at times which emphasizes that importance of establishing a routine and doing things you know will bring you joy. I’ll show you how I did it during my semseter in CPH!
One thing I did to keep sane is indulging in the food! I am a foodie and love to try new things! This picture is a Danish hotdog, so yum! But buying a little sweet treat or trying a new pastry always makes the soul happy and brightens the mood. Also, trying new foods is a great way to learn about the place you’re in whether its pasta in Italy or smørrebrød in Denmark. It’s a fun way to become inmersed in the culture!

A way to beat homesickness is to do some things that you would do at home! For example, I love to read so I visited a book shop close to my school and browsed around with one of friends! It was so fun since we had our hot coffees and it was chilly outside!
I also made sure to check out book shops in the countries I traveled to! Usually they were all in the native language so I couldn’t understand the books but its partly for the familiarity 🙂

Another thing is to make sure you leave your room or your complex. It’s so important to get out an explore the city your living in! This is a public library that my friends and I would go study at, specifically in the old library section that looked straight from Harry Potter! Exploring new places with new friends is such fun and creates the best memories!
On the topic of health, it’s important to remember that being in a new place brings colds. Taking Vitamin C everyday helped me to not get sick once! I also made sure to make meals that incorporated many fruits and veggies! Don’t worry too much about working out because you walk so much but movement everyday is important. Getting out into the sun and parks is also important for the mental health aspect! Grab a coffee and sit and people watch. Simplicity is key.
2024 CPH Marathon

Study abroad in itself is going to remove you from your comfort zone and it’s normal to feel isolated or alone at times. You’re far away from home! But! It allows you to gain so much new knowledge about yourself and the world that you won’t want to leave. I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world!