It has been a week since I left Stockholm and returned to the States. The last 168 hours have been filled with Christmas celebrations, catching up with friends, and catching up on sleep. Those hours have also been filled with telling every person I encounter all about my time abroad. I am already beginning to see how this time away has shaped me without me even realizing it.
As much as I love home and am so happy to be back in South Carolina surrounded by friends and family, I cannot wait to go back to Sweden (hopefully in the summer so I can avoid the cold at all costs) and act as if I were a local, knowing every which way to go and maybe speak a bit of Swedish here and there. I already know that my remaining three semesters at Wofford will be impacted by my time in Stockholm, mainly impacted by the classes I took at DIS. My Forensic Psychology class I absolutely loved, and I cannot wait to share what I learned in that class with the Psychology professors and majors back at school. That class helped me realize how many career opportunities there are in the Forensic Psychology field, which opened my eyes to paths I could take post-graduation. My Terrorism and Anti-Terrorism class was one of my favorites. It was so cool to learn about Terrorism because it has affected our lives every day ever since 9/11, it seems like. I have always been interested in working in Counter-Terrorism and was so lucky to have the opportunity to learn from one of the best in Europe. My professor for that class told us to let us know if we ever need letters of recommendation or help finding jobs in Counter-Terrorism, something I know I will definitely take him up on once graduation is near. My Nordic Contemporary Art class was another one of my favorite classes I took while in Sweden. We got to visit so many museums and institutions in Stockholm, and I am so thankful that I could see beautiful works of art that I probably would have never gotten to see in person otherwise. I hope to bring back some of the skills I learned from that and incorporate them into my remaining Art History classes at Wofford.
Sweden was so much fun and taught me so much, not just in the world of academics but also about myself. I know that my life is forever changed and that my remaining time at Wofford will be impacted in every way because of the experiences I had over the last four months. I also know that after graduation, my time in the workplace will also be influenced by my semester in Stockholm.