See You Soon, London!

Pre-Departure Jitters

Hello! My name is Sydney Partin, and I am currently a junior Humanities major with a business minor here at Wofford! This fall, I will be studying abroad in London, England, and I cannot wait!

Ever since I could remember, I have dreamed of studying abroad, and it is hard to believe it is right around the corner. When deciding where to spend my semester abroad, I reflected on my previous trip to London several years ago. I fell in love with the city and have been itching to go back ever since, and what better way to return than studying there?  Deciding on the specific program was a bit more difficult, as each one offered really unique and interesting experiences. I eventually chose the IES Study London Program, which drew my attention as it not only allows me to take interesting classes that will apply towards my major, but also allows me to participate in a part-time internship while abroad.

With my departure only a few days away, my nerves for the upcoming semester are all too apparent. Although I have already completed two years of college away from home, being in another country adds a new level of jitters that I hope will dissolve once I am all settled in London. So many things have crossed my mind in the last few days – what if I miss a train and can’t figure out the tube system? What if my luggage gets lost? What if I need to call my mom about a minor inconvenience, and it is two in the morning back at home? All of these anxieties are to be expected with traveling alone for the first time.

Although I am nervous, however, my excitement definitely overshadows these nerves. I cannot wait to be in London and experience everything the city has to offer! I have been packing and getting everything ready, which has been an interesting process as I love to procrastinate. I am most excited to meet everyone in my program, as well as exploring London and other parts of Europe. Although somewhat cheesy, I believe this semester abroad will provide excellent opportunities for growth in areas such as independence, confidence, and broadening my horizons. I am very grateful for the opportunity to study abroad, especially in London, and I am so excited to see where this semester leads me!