The Unexpected.

I decided to write my pre-departure blog post till I was in Barcelona to really process the emotions I was feeling about studying abroad. As I just mentioned, I decided to pursue Barcelona with the CIEE Advanced Liberal Arts program. My decision, process, and journey were very fast and I actually never got a chance to process the idea of me in Barcelona until I was in the plane that was taking me there.

Too pretty of a picture not to include 🙂

My decision was very last minute… I was really unsure about what I wanted to do. The month prior to the deadline I decided to have my study abroad meeting to discuss my plan to do so. I was in the mindset that it wouldn’t happen till my junior or even my senior year, but I was wrong. During my study abroad meeting Dean Lancaster asked why was I waiting when I was already on the track to do so. I remember feeling nervous and panicked because I felt I was not quite ready to do so. After so much thinking I decided to go ahead and do it because what was I waiting for?

I decided to go with the CIEE ALA for various reasons. For starters I knew I wanted to go to Barcelona. I didn’t know why but I just wanted to be there and no where else. Secondly, it was one of the few programs that accepted sophomores. Lastly, I would have the chance to take university courses with students who actually study in Barcelona. For me this was very important because I wanted to be challenge myself and reach my fullest potential.

I had multiple reservations and was very nervous. To beginning with I felt that I wasn’t qualified enough to go as a sophomore. I remember being worried about falling behind or my grades dropping. Also I am an off-campus student. I felt nervous of leaving the comfort of my house. I had never been away from home for more than 2 weeks… this was for 4 months. I didn’t want to abandon what felt the most secure for me. As a very anxious person this was way out of my comfort. I debated back and forth through the whole process if this is what I wanted to do.

I eventually realized that this would be a good experience for me. I was taking risks and it felt good to do so. As I sit in Barcelona writing this… I cannot believe I actually did it. Four months seem so long, but I am excited. Academically, I hope to challenge myself and succeed in learning new ways and obviously in a new language. I want to be able to expand my versatility in Spanish and dominate the language day by day. Regarding to personal goals I feel like I’ve already come far. Personally, I hope to become more independent and confident in myself. Being away home will challenge me to step out of my comfort and try new things.

I am excited to be in Barcelona and cannot wait to begin my journey!