God morgon! Frukost tid! (Good morning! Breakfast time!) A typical morning in Sweden consists of waking up in my apartment, getting dressed for class and preparing my breakfast, which usually consists of a granola bar or a piece of toast. However, if my day is free of classes or it is the weekend, then STHLM Brunch Club or The Greasy Spoon are the places to be for breakfast. Since leaving America, I have CRAVED many foods that remind me of home. One thing I have craved the most is a classic American breakfast consisting of pancakes, hash browns, and eggs. Luckily the previously mentioned establishments deliver on satisfying my cravings! The rosti, a hash-brown pancake, at The Greasy Spoon is chef’s kiss.

On days that I have class, I usually make my own lunch, a pasta of some sort, and bring it to DIS to eat. I make a salad or pasta dish at home for dinner if I am getting in later from classes. Nevertheless, if my night is free of homework, then it is off to one of the districts of Stockholm, such as Gamla Stan (“Old Town”), for dinner! In between all of these meals, a Fika or two might slip in. Fika is a time of hanging out with friends and grabbing pastries and coffee. Fika is the best and is something I look forward to bringing back to the States!
The transportation system in Stockholm is very easy to navigate. I take the pendeltåg (“commuter train”) to Stockholm City and switch over to the tunnelbana (“metro”). I take the red line towards Mörby Centrum and hop off two stops in at Stadion. Stadion’s station is right outside of DIS, which is VERY convenient. Stadion got its name from being the district that is home to the 1912 Olympic Stadium. The Stockholm Stadion is located right beside the building that DIS is housed in. We can see the outer wall from school!
DIS is located inside of Kungl. Musikhögskolan, or the Royal College of Music. The program is split between the 4th and 5th floor and consists of 8 classrooms. On the 4th floor is the Student Hub. In the Hub is a printer we can use for printing and books that can be checked out. The Hub reminds me of Wofford’s library because there is staff there to help answer any questions, much like at the circulation desk back at school and because it is where I primarily go to study. On the 5th floor, there are two other study halls that mimic the Student Hub but only consist of tables for studying.
When I am not studying or in class, I am most likely sightseeing in Östermalm or Gamla Stan. You could also find me visiting art museums or other museums in Stockholm, such as the ABBA museum! The shopping in Stockholm is just as amazing as the city, so you are bound to find me in and out of stores!