Author Archives: Holly Stevens
The big wrap up
This blog post is a bit different than all of my other posts so far. This post contains more than a set “story” of my time here, but rather a collection of thoughts that I have had. Interning abroad has its own challenges. Being a person with a disability (specifically a visual impairment) also has … Continue reading
I’m having an Amster(dam) good summer
It has been an incredibly busy and eventful few weeks, and I have done a great deal. This blog is long overdue, but will be broken into four sections; Work, my weekend in Dublin, Amsterdam, and Longitude/ my adventures today. Work has been absolutely fantastic. I really feel like I am part of the … Continue reading
Some hump days smell like poo
First of all, I truly apologize for my delay in posting. It has been a crazy week and a half. I started work, took a trip to Northern Ireland, and revisited the Cliffs of Moher all thanks to the Gilman Scholarship. I will tell my adventures in three sections; work, travel, and random events. Work … Continue reading
My first week in the land of green
I have only been in Ireland for just over a week, but I know for a fact that I am incredibly blessed to be here. My time so far has been quite overwhelming yet fun. After having a successful flight alone with wonderful airline workers who trul7 understood how to treat someone with a visual … Continue reading
Did the dust really settle?
Wow what a ride! It seems like yesterday that I boarded my plane to head to Salamanca this past August to study abroad for what was supposedly one semester. That one semester turned into two and now I get ready to head to Dublin Ireland for the summer. I am still in complete shock that … Continue reading