Documents Exhibits Photographs

Military Balls

While students in ROTC spend a lot of time in daily physical training, weekly classes and labs, and extended summer training at different Army bases, they also find time to celebrate a number of Army rituals during the year.  Beyond the commissioning ceremony, these might include a military ball and a dining in.  These clippings are from military balls in 1968 and 1974. Tomorrow, I’ll share some photos from military balls in the 2000s, and later, some information about Dining-in.

The Old Gold and Black writes about the 1968 military ball
Military Ball 1974 from the Old Gold and Black

By Phillip Stone

I've been the archivist of Wofford College and the South Carolina United Methodist since 1999. I'll be sharing college, Methodist, and local history, documents, photographs, and other interesting stories on this blog, which I've been keeping since December 2007.